Tuesday 8 June 2010

Play it cool


‘I’ve been out with this naughty, naughty American guy..’ 眨了眨眼,她回到自己的房間。


‘What’s with the “I am not ready for another relationship, to which things seem to be heading” ?’ 她疑惑。
‘I don’t want a relationship either. What makes him think this is heading to a relationship? Two booty calls at 4 o’clock in the morning? I just called him when I needed a shag!’

‘So what should I do? Should we keep doing this? I mean, he is a really nice guy, and you know, maybe if we shag like five times more, I might start liking him.’

儘管如此,那晚,她仍然傳了個簡訊給他 ‘Fancy a casual, non-serious something?’


‘That night I sent that text and went to his house. He was knackered or something and left me outside without answering my call. I was so fucked and decided to completely ignore him. The next day he realised what he’s done to me and started sending me millions of texts saying he’s terribly sorry. Today he kept saying sorry and asked whether he could take me to dinner.’


‘In case something ridiculous happens and I don’t come home tonight…’ 她交代著,臉上掩不住的笑意。

Play it cool, girls.

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